Parent – Mrs Stevens
A highlight for our girls has been participating in the beautiful shows; The Wizard of Oz, The Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty to name a few and we the parents have had fun too getting involved backstage. Lovely memories for all the family.
Terms & Conditions
The following bullet points identify the main term’s and condition’s set out by Kingston Ballet School,
Invoices will be issued by email before the start of each term. Accounts must be settled on or before the first lesson of term by Bacs or cash payment. After 28 days, late payments will incur a 5% administration fee
After registration, students will be automatically enrolled for subsequent terms.
If you wish to withdraw from classes half a term’s written notice must be given or half a term’s fees will be charged.
Refunds will not be given for illness, holidays, or unavoidable absences. This is in line with other performing arts-based schools and is necessary to cover our overheads.
A 10% discount is given to siblings and for the participation in 2 classes. A 15% discount is given for the participation in 3 or more classes.​
If it is necessary for Kingston Ballet School to cancel classes a refund for that lesson will be given or a replacement class will be held.
A highlight for our girls has been participating in the beautiful shows; The Wizard of Oz, The Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty to name a few and we the parents have had fun too getting involved backstage. Lovely memories for all the family.
Parent of grade 5 pupil
The teaching is of a high technical standard but carried out so kindly that the children really enjoy themselves while learning.
Parent of primary pupil
I loved being in the show because it was really fun. I loved doing my hair, getting ready in my costume and practising my part
Grade 1 student
I really enjoy my classes because the teachers are really kind and they are really fun.
Grade 1 student
My daughter has really enjoyed her ballet lessons. There is a great sense of camaraderie amongst the pupils in her class, particularly in the run up to a show. Miss Louise is a competent and very caring teacher who has high standards and manages to bring out lovely performances in her children. We have been very impressed.
Parent of grade 4 pupil
My daughter really enjoys her weekly ballet lessons with Miss Lauren. The classes have inspired in her a real passion for dance which is wonderful to see grow and develop.
Parent of grade 2 pupil
My daughter, Erin, has been attending weekly ballet classes with Miss Lauren for a year and a half and is currently working towards the Primary in Dance RAD exam. Miss Lauren's teaching combines a fun, welcoming atmosphere with a thorough and disciplined approach to learning. I've been impressed by how confidently Erin is able to demonstrate what she's learning, and also by the way Miss Lauren encourages the students to use and develop their imaginative and interpretative skills, especially with regard to thinking musically. Erin has already taken part in one whole-school show, which was a wonderful opportunity for her to take inspiration from older students and to feel part of the Kingston Ballet School community.
In the current COVID-19 era, Erin has benefitted hugely from weekly online classes with Miss Lauren, both as a way of having regular contact with her classmates and as an opportunity to learn. Though no-one could pretend it's an exact substitute for "normal" classes, Miss Lauren uses the technology really expertly to provide lessons that challenge and develop Erin, all with the same warmth and rigour that is so evident in her face to face teaching.
Parent of primary pupil
My daughter has been enjoying lessons at Kingston Ballet School for 13 years, and participating over the last few years, when school life has become increasingly pressured, the lessons have been the highlight of her week.
The enigmatic and talented teachers inspire such a love of dance in all their classes – ballet, modern and tap, that no matter how tired or stressed my daughter goes into a lesson, she always comes out more relaxed and much happier.
The Ballet Shows are so incredible that it is difficult to praise them adequately. The costumes, scenery and organisation are so professional it is mind-blowing, whilst the choreography and quality of dancing is breath-taking – it can be hard to picture that your little three year old cygnet will one day dance like the older swans, but I’ve seen enough shows to know that they always do.
But in addition to all this, is the sense of family that is engendered in the school. The love that Louise Jefferson and her wonderful staff have for each of their pupils is so evident in the gentle but firm discipline, the expectation that pupils do their best in lessons, the compassion for pupils as they go through life’s inevitable ups and downs and the respect they give and teach their pupils to give to each other.
I regularly thank my lucky stars that we chose to join Kingston Ballet School, and whole heartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a top-quality dance school.
Parent of vocational pupil